Why It is Important to Clean Your Toner Supply Closet

Printer closet

When was the last time that you cleaned your toner supply closet? We just completed this task at our office and it was quite an enlightening experience. We found so many things; from outdated technology, to excessive amounts of supplies that we thought we were “out of”, and tons of loose paper. There are a lot of benefits to straightening up your supply closet and we have provided a few tips that will even save your company money! We have detailed where to start the organizational process, what you will find, and how the purge will benefit you and your office!

WHERE to start

Begin the clearing out process by taking every single item out of the closet. Sort everything from the closet into one of three piles: toss, keep, or place somewhere else. Objects to be tossed should be:old user manuals for machines that you no longer have, dated/no longer used devices (i.e. CD-ROM’s), and anything broken. Some materials do not need to be thrown out but might need to be placed somewhere else in the office. For example, cleaning products should be moved to the kitchen, certain booklets/binders might need to go the specific person in the office that would reference them (IT), and other stuff can be moved to storage. At the end, you should be left with only the tools that are usable and needed in the supply closet. Classify everything by type, label, and place back neatly into the closet.

WHAT you will find

While sorting, pay close attention to decide what you want to keep or toss. Make sure all the toner cartridges in the closet are for the current copiers in your office, and not for an old copier that you no longer have. Should you have excess or expired toner, call Kopier Net and we will have a technician pick these supplies up to clear them out of your office. Along the same note, take an inventory of your toner supply. Make sure that you have a spare set of toner for each printer in your office. If you notice that you are in need of something, simply call us or place an order online on our website.

HOW it will benefit you

Aside from the fact that you will have a tidy space, you will gain from cleaning out your closet in other ways as too. First off, you may save money. Hopefully you will find extra copier supplies (toner, paper, waste toner bottles) that you weren’t aware that you had; so now you won’t have to purchase those resources for a while. Perhaps you can even sell items that your office no longer needs but others might (label maker, printer, phone system, etc.) You will be able to evaluate any excess, old, or obsolete toner and copier supplies so you know how to order ahead in the future. Lastly, organizing the closet with minimal clutter and use of labeling will minimize downtown for employees when searching for what they need.

Taking Care of Your Copier


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The copier is one of the most important machines in your office; it is used throughout the whole day and it is expected to run in top condition at all times. Like any machine (car, phone, or appliance) your copier needs some TLC and a good clean every once in a while. Keeping your copier clean will not only give you cleaner copies, it will also increase the lifespan of your machine by several years. Read on to learn some cleaning tips to keep your copier running well for years to come.

Step 1. Power Off. Before you start cleaning your machine, make sure to turn the copier off. This will prevent any electrical accidents and will keep you and your machine safe.

Step 2. Collect. Cleaning your copier requires specific types of products. Collect the following items: a microfiber cloth, cotton swabs, Windex, rubbing alcohol, and a can of air.

Step 3. Wipe. A clear and dust-free optic glass will produce better quality copies. To clean the glass of your copier use a microfiber cloth and some Windex. Never use paper towels as they can leave dust residue and particles on the glass. Only use a small amount of glass cleaner, because too much cleaner will leave streaks. Do not use water to clean the glass, as this will also leave streaks.

Step 4. Sanitize. With so many people touching the Control Panel everyday this is a huge spot for germs. Pour some rubbing alcohol onto a cloth and wipe down the Control Panel/Touch Screen area. Though it might be easier to use a wet towel or Clorox wipe, these options are not as sanitary or safe for the copier. Use the cloth and alcohol on the tray handles of the machine as well, and any other places that are often touched.

Step 5. Dust. Small particles in the machine can sometimes lead to poor copy quality and jamming. There are two ways to get the dust off of your machine. You can wipe the machine down with a microfiber cloth, but do not use any product to assist. For the back of the machine, paper tray corners, and in between the rollers, use a can of air. Once the particles surface, you can wipe them away with the cloth.

Step 6. Clean. An effective way to prevent jamming is to clean the copier rollers of dust, paper debris, and dirt. Start by getting out the dust in-between the rollers; use the can of air and a microfiber cloth. Make sure to get a full revolution of the rollers so that you collect as many dust particles as possible. Then, clean the rollers using rubbing alcohol on a cloth or using a cotton swab. Let the rollers dry before turning on the machine.

Step 7. Refresh. The paper trays on the copier are another place that need to be routinely cleaned. With that area storing paper, lots of particles and dirt can accumulate there. Remove the paper from the trays, blow out the dust with the can of air, and then fan out and replenish the paper. If the machine has not been used recently, refresh the paper with a new stack that is dust free.

 We suggest cleaning your machine monthly to quarterly.

**If there is a major issue, please place a service request so that our technicians can clean your machine properly.**